Meet the Author

PE Waring is a retired telecommunications executive who is now embarking on a literary career. Originally from Atlanta, GA, he moved his family from suburban Atlanta to rural Montpelier, VT while his 3 children were in early grade school. As his children grew older and tired of their collection of Children's books, they asked him to make up his own stories. That gave birth to the "Adventures of Elodie and Guber the Ghost" series which his now grown children encouraged him to publish.

Meet the Illustrator

Matea Anić began to express herself through art since she was able to hold a pen. Growing up, she loved to come up with her own short stories. After graduating from the Faculty of Textile Technology in Zagreb, Croatia, and several years of work experience in the textile industry, she decided to realize her childhood dream of becoming an illustrator of children's books. Matea hopes that her art will inspire young readers and show them how dreams can come true. When not creating art, she spends time reading, cooking, or exploring the fascinating city streets on her bike.